No matter what language one studies, sooner or later, they are faced with essay-writing challenges. This is one of the most popular forms of assessment and requires a robust set of skills, even when the native language is in use.
Essays in Russian are no different from other tongues when it comes to the structure and tone requirements. However, there are certain words and phrases specific to the language any Russian teacher expects to see in a well-written text.
In this article, you will find:
* Most of the essay phrases in the article are translated non verbatim since the English language lacks an equivalent for the Russian word.
(source: pexels)
Russian Speech Cliches
Good structure is one of the significant pillars of essay writing, and speech cliches are tools to layout your thoughts in the most compelling way. Thus, for your convenience, the expressions are listed according to essay parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Beginning with helpful Russian expressions for when you don't know how to start your text:
Russian Essay Phrases for Introduction
Выбор данной темы продиктован следующими соображениями... | The choice of the following topic is motivated by... |
Задумываясь над этой фразой, приходишь к мнению… | Contemplating this expression, we come to the conclusion... |
Удивляет нестандартный подход к проблеме… | The unconventional approach to the problem is worth noting... |
Никогда не думал, что меня заденет за живое идея о том, что... | Incredible how such an idea can be touching... |
Поражает глубина мысли великого… | The depth of the thought is impressive... |
Поразительный простор для мысли открывает это короткое высказывание... | The expression is open to a wide variety of interpretations... |
Для меня эта фраза является ключом к пониманию... | This expression becomes the key to understanding... |
Эта емкая фраза заставляет переосмыслить… | This definition urges to reconsider... |
Нельзя не разделить мнение автора... | One cannot but share the author's opinion... |
Russian Essay Phrases for Main Body
Проиллюстрируем это положение следующим примером ... | Let's illustrate with the following example... |
Рассмотрим несколько подходов... | Let's consider these approaches... |
Посмотрим на проблему с другой стороны… | Looking at the problem from a different angle... |
С незапамятных времен бытовало мнение… | Iit has been long known that... |
С одной стороны, ... С другой стороны,… | From one side…, from the other side... |
Необходимо заметить… | It is important to consider... |
Приводя следующий пример,… | Following this example... |
Во-первых, ... во-вторых, ... в-третьих,… | Firstly,... secondly…, thirdly,... |
Следует отметить… | It is worth mentioning... |
Существует несколько подходов к… | There are several ways to interpret... |
Russian Essay Phrases for Conclusion
Исходя из выше сказанного… | From the abovementioned... |
Именно поэтому я не могу согласиться с... | This is specifically why I disagree with... |
Вот почему я согласен с мнением… | this is the reason why I disagree... |
Резюмируя сказанное, следует отметить… | To conclude, one should mention... |
Подведем общий итог рассуждению... | To summarize the discussion... |
Подводя итог размышлениям… | To sum up the contemplations... |
Можем сделать вывод, что... | One can conclude that... |
В заключении, можно сказать... | At the end one can say... |
Таким образом, получаем... | In this way one gets... |
Приходим к выводу, что... | One comes to the conclusion that... |
Opening Words / Sentence Connectors
To prove a point | ||
Asserting | Конечно Разумеется Бесспорно Несомненно Само собой | Obviously Certainly Undoubtedly No doubt Cannot be denied |
Uncertainty | Наверное Как кажется Вероятно По-видимому Может быть | Probably Seems like Perhaps Looks like Maybe |
Making an assumption | Думается Надо полагать Положим Предположим Допустим | Presumably Likely Assuming Supposedly Let's say |
To identify an emotional tone | ||
Positive | На счастье К радости Что хорошо | Luckily Happily What's good, is |
Regret | К несчастью На беду Что ещё хуже | Unfortunately For trouble Worse still |
Surprise | К удивлению Странно, что Непонятное дело | Surprisingly Strangely Indeed, it's unclear |
Overall impression | По сути В сущности Говоря по существу По правде сказать Между нами говоря | Indeed Essentially In fact In a nutshell Truth be told |
To identify the source of information | По мнению кого-либо Как указывалось Как оказалось На мой взгляд | According to opinion As indicated As turns out In my opinion |
To order arguments | Напротив Кроме того В довершении всего Стало быть Кстати сказать | As opposed to Furthermore In addition Thus Incidentally |
To add an explanation, clarify | Одним словом Иначе говоря Вернее Проще сказать Что называется | In short In other words Or rather Easier said What is called |
To communicate scale/measure | По меньшей мере По крайней мере В той или иной степени Как и всегда Иногда | At least At best To a degree As usually Occasionally |
To accentuate | Видите (ли) Знаете (ли) Представьте себе Заметьте Что существенно | As we see As we know Imagine… Note that Thereby substantially |
(source: pexels)
Russian Essay Writing Tips
Do longer eloquent sentences work?
Academic writing, for instance, in English, is all about clarity and brevity. The Russian language also commends the two but favors some more embellishments, even epithets, and metaphors for the diverse scientific topics one can imagine.
But what is the limit, and how long is too long? There is no uniform example to give. However, some Russian teachers advise reading the sentence out loud. If you are getting out of breath - time to edit out ruthlessly.
To comma or not to comma?
Typically sentence connectors are separated by commas in the Russian language. But there is a catch: a list of 30+ terms that look like opening words but are, in fact, not. With experience, one develops a gut feeling as to when there is a need for a comma.
Before that, use the following test: remove the connector from the sentence. If the meaning does not change, commas are required.
(source: adme)
Handwriting wire
Unless typing is involved, essays in Russian are written in calligraphy. The example above illustrates why it can become an issue, primarily if you are used to writing in block letters. So checking your essay, imagine yourself in the teachers' shoes and question if they can understand not only the arguments but also your handwriting.
Tautology much?
While tautology is a problem that comes up often in writing no matter the tongue, in Russian essays, it is penalized brutally. That is because the language offers several synonyms like no other. One of the most common examples with the verb to go:
to go | идти выходить обходить переходить заходить проходить |
It takes time to get used to such a variety. So for safety sake, think twice of any verb or adjective you are choosing, if there is a synonym, go with it.
Do you feel ready now to take the Russian essay writing world by storm? Share with us some of your favorite phrases or common challenges in the comments.